Getting Here

La Rouxane is approximately 1h15 drive from Marseilles airport, 1h25 from Nice airport and 1h15 from Aix-en-Provence. We strongly recommend that you have a car so you can explore the area as it really is stunning. Please see our local area page for more details.

La Rouxane is located on the D50 3.5km east from the centre of Cotignac.

Cotignac is on the D13 about 20km north of Brignoles, 30 km west of Draguignan, 15 km south of Aups and 15 km east of Barjols. 

We find Marseilles to be the easiest airport to fly to but Nice often has a better choice of flight times. We suggest you hire a car at the airport as taxis to and from the airport cost about 180E each way!

It's also possible to take the train from London to Aix-en-Provence via Paris or Lille (Lille is by far the easiest change as changing in Paris requires crossing from one side of Paris to the other).

There is plenty of parking at the house.